23:41duration 23 minutes 41 seconds
Chapel Q&A, Dr. Becky Jackson (03.03.2020)
From Zach Winterrowd
21:47duration 21 minutes 47 seconds
Truett Chapel, Dr. Becky Jackson (03.03.2020)
16:42duration 16 minutes 42 seconds
Truett Chapel, Dr. Rebecca Hays (02/18/2020)
24:08duration 24 minutes 8 seconds
Chapel Lunch, Rev. Arbra Bailey (02/11/2020)
24:15duration 24 minutes 15 seconds
Truett Chapel, Rev. Arbra Bailey 02/11/2020
30:20duration 30 minutes 20 seconds
Truett Chapel, Rev. Ryan Barnett (02/04/2020)
59:59duration 59 minutes 59 seconds
Chapel Lunch, Rev. James P. Thompson Jr.…
Chapel Lunch, Rev. James P. Thompson Jr. (01/28/2020)
51:56duration 51 minutes 56 seconds
Truett Chapel, Rev. James P. Thompson Jr.…
Truett Chapel, Rev. James P. Thompson Jr. (01/28/2020)
26:08duration 26 minutes 8 seconds
Truett Chapel, Dr. Angela Gorrell (01.21.2020)
18:06duration 18 minutes 6 seconds
Truett Chapel Eric Hernandez, BGCT Day (11.12.19)
23:27duration 23 minutes 27 seconds
Chapel Lunch, Chaplain Geoffrey Bailey (11.5.19)
27:26duration 27 minutes 26 seconds
Truett Chapel, Chaplain Geoffrey Bailey (11.5.19)
27:33duration 27 minutes 33 seconds
Chapel Lunch, Dr. Rob Ellis (10.29.19)
25:26duration 25 minutes 26 seconds
Truett Chapel, Dr. Rob Ellis (10.29.19)
40:09duration 40 minutes 9 seconds
Truett Chapel, Dr. Vincent Bacote (10.22.19; T.B.…
Truett Chapel, Dr. Vincent Bacote (10.22.19; T.B. Maston Lecture)
Truett Chapel, Dr. Collin Bullard (10.15.19)
22:47duration 22 minutes 47 seconds
Truett Chapel, Reverend Kathy Reid (10.8.19)
Truett Chapel, Kathy Reid (10.8.19)
From Maxcey Blaylock
21:10duration 21 minutes 10 seconds
Truett Chapel, David Bebbington (10.1.19)
49:16duration 49 minutes 16 seconds
Truett Chapel, Fleming Rutledge (9.17.19;…
Truett Chapel, Fleming Rutledge (9.17.19; Parchman Lecture Series)
32:02duration 32 minutes 2 seconds
Truett Chapel, Judith Wolfe (09.10.19)
23:14duration 23 minutes 14 seconds
Truett Chapel, Jeremy Everett (09/03/19)
24:58duration 24 minutes 58 seconds
Austin Fischer -- "Love Calls You by Your…
Austin Fischer -- "Love Calls You by Your Name"
26:56duration 26 minutes 56 seconds
Dr. Charlie Dates -- "The Forever Word in a…
Dr. Charlie Dates -- "The Forever Word in a Fading World"
34:46duration 34 minutes 46 seconds
Jamie McCallum -- "Cheap Thrills"
19:07duration 19 minutes 7 seconds
Dr. Mandy McMichael -- "Who Knows"
31:35duration 31 minutes 35 seconds
Christopher Mack -- "Formed by Way of the…
Christopher Mack -- "Formed by Way of the Wilderness"
43:21duration 43 minutes 21 seconds
Willson-Addis Lecture: Dr. Luke Powery
TBSA Day: Rev. Dr. Cynthia Hale
52:42duration 52 minutes 42 seconds
Sports Ministry Chapel Service
43:37duration 43 minutes 37 seconds
W.C. Dobbs Endowed Lectureship: Dr. William H.…
W.C. Dobbs Endowed Lectureship: Dr. William H. Bellinger -- "A School of Prayer"
21:49duration 21 minutes 49 seconds
Carolina Fuentes -- "Practicing the Presence…
Carolina Fuentes -- "Practicing the Presence of God Wherever You Go"
20:46duration 20 minutes 46 seconds
Dr. Bill Walker - "Unity Through the…
Dr. Bill Walker - "Unity Through the Gospel"
23:31duration 23 minutes 31 seconds
E.K. Bailey Preaching Event Chapel Service feat.…
E.K. Bailey Preaching Event Chapel Service feat. Rev. Dr. John K. Jenkins Sr.
42:25duration 42 minutes 25 seconds
Truett Seminary Spring 2019 Convocation
26:31duration 26 minutes 31 seconds
Dr. Yancey -- "Loose Him and Let Him Go"
19:25duration 19 minutes 25 seconds
Ryan McCoy: Outstanding Student Preacher -…
Ryan McCoy: Outstanding Student Preacher - "Tedious Testimony"
21:18duration 21 minutes 18 seconds
Jeremiah Parks - Outstanding Student Preacher
01:24:52duration 1 hour 24 minutes
Dr. Jörg Frey - Drumwright Lectures
01:34:00duration 1 hour 34 minutes