2022 Fall Physics Colloquium Series B.F. L. Ward, Ph.D.
Distinguished Professor of Physics
Department of Physics
Baylor University
Overview of Future e+e- Colliders from the Perspective of Theoretical Luminosity Precision
After giving an overview of the seriously planned future e+ e-
colliders, we discuss the path to the required theoretical luminosity
precision. Specifically, for the FCC-ee, CEPC and the ILC to exploit
properly the respective precision physics program, the theoretical
precision tag on the respective luminosity will need to be improved from
the analogs of the 0.054 % (0.061%) results at LEP at MZ, where the
former (latter) LEP result has (does not have) the pairs correction. At
the FCC-ee at MZ one needs improvement to 0.01%, for example. We present
the status of the realization of the road one may take to reach the
required 0.01% precision tag at the FCC-ee and of what the corresponding
precision expectations would be for the FCC-ee350, ILC500, ILC1000, and
CLIC3000 setups.
Our colloquium is on every Wednesday 4-5PM US central time. You can see the talk schedule at
https://www.baylor.edu/physics/colloquia. The streaming will start a little before each colloquium talk starts.