Search for tag: "maximum likelihood estimator"

Asymptotic Evaluations for Interval Estimation

In this lesson, some approximate and asymptotic…

From  Jane Harvill 137 plays 0  

Asymptotic Evaluations of Point Estimators

There are several properties to be considered…

+8 More
From  Jane Harvill 310 plays 0  

Likelihood Ratio Tests

The likelihood ratio method of hypothesis testing…

From  Jane Harvill 528 plays 0  

Find the MLE of the rate of a Poisson distribution

Example to illustrate finding the maximum…

From  Jane Harvill 326 plays 0  

Finding the maximum likelihood estimator of the upper bound of a uniform(0, B) distribution

This example illustrates how to find the maximum…

From  Jane Harvill 1,010 plays 0  

Maximum Likelihood Estimators

The method of maximum likelihood is, by far, the…

From  Jane Harvill 286 plays 0