45:42duration 45 minutes 42 seconds
Dr. Margaret M. Mitchell - Did Paul Really Mean…
Dr. Margaret M. Mitchell - Did Paul Really Mean that the Reason We Should Feed our Enemies is "To Heap Burning Coals on their Heads" (Romans 12:20)?
Parchman Endowed Lectures October 25, 2016
22:57duration 22 minutes 57 seconds
Dr. Shawn Shannon - "Take Heart"
September 13, 2016
48:40duration 48 minutes 40 seconds
Dr. Alan Jacobs - "Literature and the Good…
Dr. Alan Jacobs - "Literature and the Good News: God is More than a Story"
February 16, 2016 - W.C. Dobbs Endowed Lecture
31:36duration 31 minutes 36 seconds
Dr. Courtney Pace Lyons