Search for tag: "motivation"

Cindy White - "Beatitudes and Sports"

March 14, 2017

From  Nicholas Hunt 347 plays

Bishop Keith Reed - Q&A Session

January 31, 2017 - E.K. Bailey Memorial Preaching…

+66 More
From  Nicholas Hunt 35 plays

Jeremy Everett - The Art of Social Change: Cultivating Trust to Address Hunger and Poverty in a Contentious World - 2016 Panel 3

2016 Baylor Libraries Symposium: Thomas…

+68 More
From  Christina Chan-Park 17 plays 0  

Dr. Margaret M. Mitchell - Did Paul Really Mean that the Reason We Should Feed our Enemies is "To Heap Burning Coals on their Heads" (Romans 12:20)?

Parchman Endowed Lectures October 25, 2016

+125 More
From  Nicholas Hunt 167 plays

Dr. Ann Mirabito - You Say You Want a Revolution: The Workplace Wellness Movement - 2016 Panel 2

2016 Baylor Libraries Symposium: Thomas…

From  Christina Chan-Park 41 plays 0  

Dr. George Mason - "What to Preach?"

February 23, 2016

+74 More
From  Maxcey Blaylock 213 plays

Dr. Howard Batson - "Rejoice Even When Trials Come"

January 26, 2016

From  Maxcey Blaylock 99 plays