17:46duration 17 minutes 46 seconds
Business Skills-Next 5-10 Years - Kevin Pennington
Join us as we welcome Kevin Pennington, Partner…
29:40duration 29 minutes 40 seconds
Dr. Jim Baucom - "Babylonia…
Dr. Jim Baucom - "Babylonia Dreamin'"
February 7, 2017 - Truett's Pastor of the…
01:00:03duration 1 hour 0 minutes
Rev. Canon Professor Richard Burridge -…
Rev. Canon Professor Richard Burridge - "Finding the One Jesus Through Reading the Four Gospels"
W.C. Dobbs Endowed Lecture - November 17, 2016
45:44duration 45 minutes 44 seconds
Ken Medema
November 15, 2016
21:50duration 21 minutes 50 seconds
Dr. Bill Shiell - "Look at Us"
February 2, 2016 - Truett's Pastor of the Day
01:29:37duration 1 hour 29 minutes