22:05duration 22 minutes 5 seconds
Dr. Leah Hidde-Gregory - "Storm the…
Dr. Leah Hidde-Gregory - "Storm the Gates"
September 5, 2017
28:21duration 28 minutes 21 seconds
Dr. R.T. Kendall - "Are You Ready for…
Dr. R.T. Kendall - "Are You Ready for Answered Prayer"
September 27, 2016
38:59duration 38 minutes 59 seconds
Dr. Paul Sands - "The Message of the…
Dr. Paul Sands - "The Message of the Cross"
September 6, 2016
38:22duration 38 minutes 22 seconds
Dr. Rodney Reeves - "Boasting in Weakness: A…
Dr. Rodney Reeves - "Boasting in Weakness: A Pauline Model for Ministry"
April 5, 2016 - Willson-Addis Endowed Lecture
33:42duration 33 minutes 42 seconds
Dr. Albert Reyes - "The Jesus Agenda: When…
Dr. Albert Reyes - "The Jesus Agenda: When Jesus Shows Up"
January 19, 2016