Search for tag: "resurrection"

Rev. Canon Professor Richard Burridge - "Finding the One Jesus Through Reading the Four Gospels"

W.C. Dobbs Endowed Lecture - November 17, 2016

From  Maxcey Blaylock 201 plays

Dr. Paul Sands - "The Message of the Cross"

September 6, 2016

+120 More
From  Maxcey Blaylock 200 plays

Dr. Rodney Reeves - "Boasting in Weakness: A Pauline Model for Ministry"

April 5, 2016 - Willson-Addis Endowed Lecture

+95 More
From  Maxcey Blaylock 214 plays

Dr. Preston Clegg - "My Lord and My God"

March 29, 2016 - Truett's Pastor of the Day

+73 More
From  Maxcey Blaylock 71 plays